Jersey Girl, Southern Soul

I have one word for you – C H A R L E S T O N. After our most recent trip, I’ve come to the conclusion that I am most definitely a Jersey Girl with a Southern soul. Born in Brooklyn, raised in New Jersey, I’m not sure if I would have ever known to venture South if it weren’t for my family moving there 2.5 years ago – but thankfully, they did. And now, I nag my husband constantly about when it will be our turn. I’m giving him four or five more years, max – and then I’ll be putting my foot down! Of course, if it were up to me, I would have moved yesterday, but I digress.

After finding an incredibly inexpensive flight from Newark to Charleston (practically unheard of), I jumped on the tickets and our first trip of 2017 was booked. Stepping foot in Charleston, not only do you have the best of both worlds (the beach and the city) at your doorstep, but you are also immersed in an overwhelming amount of history and culture no matter where you turn.


I didn't have big plans for this trip – one could call it a staycation, only at my parent’s house, not our own. Saturday night my dad made reservations at a restaurant called “The Wreck”, which Travel & Leisure magazine included in their Top 200 restaurants of the world.  It was the only restaurant in South Carolina to receive the nod, which was shocking to us considering the incredible amount of critically acclaimed restaurants you can find downtown.

The Wreck is in an obscure location – picture driving through neighborhoods lined with plantation trees covered in Spanish Moss and stunning homes reminiscent of another era. Don’t let the surrounding atmosphere fool you – this isn’t the type of place you throw your special strand of pearls on for – nope! The Wreck is as bare bones as you can get – the quintessential seafood shack. Outdoor furniture and plastic patio chairs fill the screened in porch – weather proofed and fire places roaring. You have the choice of having your seafood grilled or fried – but other than that your options are limited. My family agreed that the seafood was some of the freshest we’ve ever had – but beyond that, would we think it was a restaurant that earned the title of Top 200 in the World … not so much. A cozy restaurant filled with locals and fresh seafood, most definitely! And I’m sure the views off the dock are incredible during summer sunsets.

The rest of our getaway was filled with Superbowl parties and lazy days. Unfortunately, Justin came down with the flu and was out of commission for the majority of our stay. That led me to fend for myself on Monday and Tuesday – with my sisters in school, both of my parents working, and Justin in bed. Don’t you worry – between a pedicure, massage and reading on the sun filled porch, there are no complaints here. And we did venture out to a few other great spots, including Jeni’s Ice Cream & Leon’s Oyster Shop (which Justin stated had the best oysters he’s ever had) and if you know Justin, you know that means Leon’s is the place to be for oysters! AND you have the choice to end your meal with a classic soft serve ice cream cone –of course that is something I can NEVER pass up!

On Wednesday, my mom and I went for breakfast at the Vintage Coffee Café, followed by a little shopping and a walk on the beach. The perfect end to a relaxing visit.

With the impending snowstorm, I crossed my fingers for a cancelled flight, allowing us to extend our trip to Sunday night – but alas, we made it back to New Jersey just in time for frigid temperatures and a snowstorm. Until next time Charleston ….