On the Hunt for a Home

After 3.5 months of unbearable noise, Justin and I threw ourselves into the home buying process a little earlier than we had anticipated. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind, and I am so saddened that I did not think sooner to take pictures of all the interesting things we have encountered on our many house tours. #Rookiebloggermistake. 

I can’t possibly expect you to believe that one house we walked up to had CDs, yes music CDs, hanging from yarn and string in all of their bushes (front and back yard). That should have been the first sign to run, run as fast as we could. Yet, we entered, with our realtor in tow, and all laughed hysterically as soon as we did. This one particular house is a prime example of how deceiving pictures can really be. When this house hit the market, I was convinced… CONVINCED, that it was the one. I already started decorating and doing renovations in my head, because how could we possibly choose any other house than this one. Well, if the CDs didn’t throw me off, the funeral parlor scent, lack of any living space and the sheer volume of antiquated odds and ends filling each and every nook and cranny, sure did. 

Then there was the house with unmade beds, and globs of hair on the shower wall. I am an HGTV pro, I can look past bad paint color, I can even look past a terrible kitchen and layout and see potential, but if I push back that shower curtain and see globs of hair, and toothpaste in the sink, no can do. You can have a beautiful home, but if you don’t take the time to wipe down your bathroom before a showing, you’re a dirty person, and that means you don’t take proper care of your home.

There was the short sale house that looked like it had been through an apocalypse and Justin held out hope for me to see the potential in the huge living space…  until we got downstairs and saw that it was plagued with mold and you couldn’t get us out of their fast enough. 

The one that made me laugh the most was the one with the warning in the basement, written on a piece of paper and aluminum foil, plastered on the cinder block that read “PLEASE ONLY PEE IN THE TOILETS”.  Ok, thank you very much, I’m not interested in a home that may have human pee stains throughout it. 

After 7 disappointing showings on Saturday, Justin and I ventured out to an open house on a home that we had both been eyeing, but after Saturday’s festivities, we weren’t holding our breath. YET, when we both walked in the door, we automatically sensed that feeling that we could live there. I mean, these people actually cleaned their home before their open house, and that is a step up compared to what we had seen the day before. Their quaint, cape cod style home was updated to an extent, yet still leaves room for us to put our own touches on. Three bedrooms leaves space for my family to stay and for our family to one day grow, and a partially finished basement with a bar, sealed the deal for Justin. Yet, when we went back a second time, Justin’s dad found mold throughout the foundation, and our first dreams were crushed.

But, as they say, what’s meant to be, will be. That same night, we found another house! Our last stop of the evening brought us to a beautifully updated ranch, with a finished basement, three bedrooms, a fenced in yard and my dream (first home) kitchen. Never did I think we’d be getting granite and stainless steel! It is most definitely move-in ready, I wouldn’t even change the paint colors! Of course there are things I’d like to explore changing over the years, (swapping the sliding door, for french doors, etc). 

Wednesday morning, we both decided that this was the one, and we wanted to make an offer!! We soon found out, after only 12 days on the market, it was a well sought after home and they had received an offer only two hours after we’d been there on Tuesday night. And to spare you the harrowing details of what went on from Wednesday, until now (think anxiety overload x 10), I am happy to let you know that as of 9am this morning our realtor called to tell us that...”WE GOT THE HOUSE!!!” As soon as I heard those words I screamed into the phone in disbelief. 

Now, I am a superstitious Italian, so I won’t share any pictures yet ... at least until we get through attorney review and inspections, but I can give you a sneak peek of the kitchen ... I’m too excited not to!!!

Justin and I are homeowners ... what an exciting thing for a lifestyle blogger - I’m sure I’ll have many more exciting stories and adventures to share throughout the process and once we move in!!!