The Story Behind the Blogger

Our first blog introduced you to the Story Behind the Peacock, so I thought it might be about time to introduce you to the person behind the blog, me, Alexa! Some of you may know me very well and some of you may not know me at all - so I took it upon myself to interview, the one and only ME.

So here it goes... 20 interesting facts about me, Alexa Leigh. Enjoy!

1. Where were you born and when? - Brooklyn, NY; July 24, 1987

2. What nationality are you? - 50% Italian, 50% Lebanese

3. Do you have any siblings? - Yes, two sisters. Ages 14 + 16 (and yes, we have the same parents)


4. What is your favorite city? - Paris!! After all, "Paris is always a good idea!".

5. Where else have you traveled outside of the United States? - I've been to Paris four times (I told you it was my favorite city, and I'd live there in a heartbeat). I studied abroad in Florence, Italy and traveled throughout the country for 4 months. I recently went back with my boyfriend (Justin) almost two years ago. I've also been to the South of France (Aix-en-Provence, Nice + Cannes). Oh, and there was that one time my dad thought it would be fun to go to Tijuana for the day while we were vacationing in San Diego. Let's just say it ended with my crossing the border with a broken flip-flop ... it didn't go well. Aside from that incident, I LOVE TO TRAVEL!! :-)

6. What do you think is your greatest strength? - My writing, sense of humor and sarcasm ;)

7. If you had chosen a different major, what would it have been? - If I could go back in time, I would go to FIT for Fashion Journalism and minor in Interior Design. I can't draw or cut in a straight line to save my life, but I'm pretty good at styling, fashion pulls and decorating spaces.

8. What is the coolest thing you have done for a job? I have had some pretty amazing experiences through work. I experienced the Kentucky Derby, front row, on the finish line; I've pulled for fashion shows with stylists, which led to me pulling and styling for fashion shows on my own; I met Rebecca Minkoff and Stella McCartney, the STELLA MCCARTNEY, as in Sir Paul McCartney's daughter and helped to pull off a 50 person seated luncheon in a "NYC Penthouse" that was built directly on the 2nd floor of a department store; and I stood center ice at Madison Square Garden. I'd say those were among the coolest things I've ever done for a job. 

9. What are some of your favorite things? - The color pink, peonies, summer, the smell and sound of the sea, Nutella, Paris, peacocks, gelato and macarons. 

10. Do you have a favorite sports team?  I am a diehard NY Rangers fan, and always will be!  

11. What is your favorite love quote? " I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you." Kiersten White

12. Who do you idolize? - Audrey Hepburn. "Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile." The epitome of style and grace!

13. What is your favorite novel? - The Great Gatsby

14. What are your pet-peeves? - People that don't step on the gas, especially when the light turns green (I'm from NJ, sorry); ignorance; self-pity; when an entire family goes grocery shopping together (really, do Mom, Dad AND your five children really need to be running up and down the aisles!?); dirty dishes left in the sink; and dirty dishwashers (yes, you can eat off of the dirty plates in my dishwasher, and I wouldn't have it any other way).

15. Are you close with your family? - Extremely. I talk to my mother 50 times a day, everyday. Home is where your family is, and I always feel at ease and happy when we are all together (for about three days and then I go insane and say I can't wait to go home, but I don't really mean it). 

16. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? - I am a major foodie and Justin is a lover of exotic meats - so our freezer is always filled with interesting things. The most daring I have ever been was to taste a few bites of the camel burgers he made. Although, with my Lebanese background, I felt like I was doing something sacrilegious .

17. What is the best meal you have ever had? - This is very difficult to decide on, as I said previously, I am a major foodie. Two meals that stick out in my mind the most are: One in a small town in Tuscany when I studied abroad, fresh pasta, wild boar, every bite was to die for!

Second, when Justin and I were in Amelia Island, we did a chef tasting at Salt in the Ritz Carlton. Hands down the most exciting and creative meal I've ever eaten. Each course was paired with a special wine, and they were all better than the last!

And of course I can't forget, anything my Mom has ever cooked me <3

18. What is your guilty pleasure? - I am a closet General Hospital junkie. I think I have seen every episode since I was in my mother's womb; and although she no longer watches, I never miss an episode. It is always on my DVR and if I had a busy week and couldn't watch it at night, I binge watch on the weekends.

19. Hobbies? - I love to read and write, and I also love photography. I took classes all throughout high school, as well as a course when I was in Italy. I also love to shop, of course and cook! I horseback rode from when I was 2 years old, until I was about 15 and always wish I could take it up again, but my back injuries prevent me from doing so. 

20. What are your goals for the next ten years? - In the next ten years I would like to be married with three children. I would like to be living in the South and to have built my blog to a place where it serves as a source of income. I also would like to have traveled to many new places around the world and eaten my way through some of the best restaurants. We'll see what happens!!!